hello guys,
Google is not crawling my website. i don't know why, Can any buddy help me please here is my URL: mesotheliomalegalinformation.com
I don't have vast SEO knowledge can please guide me little bit how to earn from this website.
Thanks Google has obviously crawled your site since you have pages indexed. I recommend taking the time to go through the Google checklist to evaluate your site.
http://www.google.com/webmasters/checklist/ put google analytics in you code, check web master tools for better results. for seo study forums like v7n Google have two of your pages within their index. So its not about crawling, its about indexing. Do you have a webmasters account with Google? Have you submitted your sitemap to Google and other search engines?
I think its the mesothelioma - adsense obsession that makes Google weary. Your navigation links look quite dodgy, for example:
mesotheliomalegalinformation.com/mesothelioma-legal/mesothelioma-legal-advice/92-get-mesothelioma-legal-advice. This might put search engines way.
Its fine to provide information on mesothelioma, but its silly to keyword bom your website.
I would redesign the website and make simple and shorter navigation links. Hi Mate,
Go to google webmaster and create an account with it...
Verify your site ...and then submit site map...
Process will take some time but you will definitely see the results..
Thanks First your url is not search engine friendly, you need make it more simple and easy to understand for se or visitors! Then, do not put so many auto generated content! hi mate,
Thanks for solving out my problem i will definitely correct the problem you have pointed..
Google is not crawling my website. i don't know why, Can any buddy help me please here is my URL: mesotheliomalegalinformation.com
I don't have vast SEO knowledge can please guide me little bit how to earn from this website.
Thanks Google has obviously crawled your site since you have pages indexed. I recommend taking the time to go through the Google checklist to evaluate your site.
http://www.google.com/webmasters/checklist/ put google analytics in you code, check web master tools for better results. for seo study forums like v7n Google have two of your pages within their index. So its not about crawling, its about indexing. Do you have a webmasters account with Google? Have you submitted your sitemap to Google and other search engines?
I think its the mesothelioma - adsense obsession that makes Google weary. Your navigation links look quite dodgy, for example:
mesotheliomalegalinformation.com/mesothelioma-legal/mesothelioma-legal-advice/92-get-mesothelioma-legal-advice. This might put search engines way.
Its fine to provide information on mesothelioma, but its silly to keyword bom your website.
I would redesign the website and make simple and shorter navigation links. Hi Mate,
Go to google webmaster and create an account with it...
Verify your site ...and then submit site map...
Process will take some time but you will definitely see the results..
Thanks First your url is not search engine friendly, you need make it more simple and easy to understand for se or visitors! Then, do not put so many auto generated content! hi mate,
Thanks for solving out my problem i will definitely correct the problem you have pointed..