New Member
Hi everyone,I am in a big time trouble. The website that i am taking care of used to be in the first page for many competitive keywords. Then strangely I couldnot see my site in first three page for any keywords. Now it's been 2 months and yesterday the ranking were further down and now my site is not coming anywhere in first 9 pages. Is this some kind of 30 or 90 penalty?please HelpNo carolinejames some times it happens.May be some changes happened on crawling so this fluctuation will happen with keywords.I will be back to your position wait for some days.Thanks for your reply. I really hope that it comes back to normal.I am really worried and if you find any other detail abt this fluctuation then please let me know.As the Google seems to update the links, some kind of fluctuations do happen. So don't be frustrated with the low SERPS.Don't worry it happens, one of my sites was on page2 for a keyword then it went down to page8 for about 2 weeks! Now it's back on page 2.Keep getting links to your site and you will see it rise up again.Another possibility for your rank drop could be that other sites compete on the same keywords like yours and they are paying for a good SEO.Keep on doing your SEO and dont worry, your ranking will be back.Good Luck !