Google Image search booboo


New Member
Nope, that image doesn't belong, that dancer is missing a stage pole...I get thoose from time to time.I wonder how they filter images, it would be neat if it was somthing like the facial recognition stuff they use in casinos, but I've always figured it depended on domain blacklists & text found anywhere pointing to the image. I can't imagine that every image is onced over by a human.I think that it's more likely that the server looks over the individual pixels and decides. Google's got an algorithm for everything.That's a bug i can live with :pI think it's more than likely that they don't look at the pixels of the image at all, and simply based their results on the text of the page the image is on, alt tags, filename of the image, text immediately surrounding the image, etc.I have heard "Moderate SafeSearch On" takes in condsideration of the user. If the user searches for these types of images 20+ times per day, they will be allowed into SafeSearch.I wonder what exactly constitutes "these types of images," as a loose interpretation could be dangerous in work or school situations depending on the research area.vetofunk wrote:adminsr wrote:With all the Google-talk out there, you never know. Either way, the Google conspiracy theorists have yet another idea in their head.One time at work my boss used google images and search the term "grandma", long story short naked grandma.