WHO HAS TRIED IT? IS IT ANY GOOD?Take a look here Northtexashttp://www.ozzu.com/general-discussion/google-world-map-t52348.html&hi ... ogle+earthYES I HAVE I HAVE TRIED IT AND IT IS VERY GOOD.Is it more complete now? When I downloaded it, there was like none of australia at all, pretty much nothing but big cities everywhere else. I couldn't see anything at all around where I live, just blur.MSN has a good one as well.Apparently CNN uses Google's mapping doohicky. Whenever they're showing things relating to the hurricanes/floods/other distasters. They're using Google to show pics of the various areas, and doing 3D flybys of what areas used to look like, etc.Last time I saw them use them, was with the carbomb scare in DC a month or two back. They were using it to show the relationship between where the car was, the capitol building, whitehouse, etc.To me, that sounds like a pretty good endorsement. I've not seen MSN's.