Google dropped my website from their engine


New Member
Hi all,since a few days isn't mentioned in anymore. I have contacted google to put luchtzak back in.I got an auto-mail back from google to test this link: ... uchtzak.be ... tnG=Searchnon of them seem to work When I search google for [] I don't get a link to but on page 4 to 30 I get looks-like-spam websites linking to my website, here is an example: ... ?pos=-5351Could this be the reason that google dropped luchtzak out of their searches or is this a temporary glitch in their system?thanks in advance for all the feedback and answers, kind regards,BartAnyone with some advise please?I can't think of anything why your site is banned from Google. Really weird. C'mon guys, you should help him out.If you don't get any replies, try contacting Google again...Quote:Google can ban you due to many different reason, you should go through your recent change and your current set-up, probably you can find the cause why they have taken down your account. However you should visit their googlecommunity forum which might be helpful to you and should not stop writing them for further assistance and clarifications.