I have been in the top 4-6 for the last several months with very little change in my rankings... all of a sudden i'm pretty much nowhere to be found on google anymore in the rankings... is something going on?? it's very much like the google dance people were talking about a couple of months ago. i don't do anything to get my site banned and it still shows up as being indexed, just not ranked anywhere near where i should be.This is happening to me constantly.When I'm doing good, I'm on #1, rock solid.After 1-2 months, it would completely disappear for 1-2 months.Then it will come back on #1.It's been like that for last 6 months.I used to have a steady #1 - #3 for last 2 years. (when I didn't know much about SEO and did a lot of black hat tricks)Now I'm trying to be good with SEO, but my ranking is everywhere, up and down. Sometimes completely disappear for months...