For those of you who do not already know, the all-mighty Google has just gotten even more powerful by being able to index flash.That is correct, Google can now go in and grab content from .swf and sdk files.You can read more about it including an interview which explains it in detail. really is a great breakthrough for, this is great then. However, i think google is smarter then we think. I mean, google indexes everything to which you will link. and by the way for some reason your link is dead. the link works for me... its jsut the homepage... with the article as an indexpage storyit works for me now too, hmthe example flash link has nothing actually indexed by google...actual flashgoogle's view... id appreciate any results of actually indexed flash if anybody can find it cool. very nice to know when making flash sites. what next, video stream indexing ;oI have a site with 3 swf Google catch flash , but text inside no ...links inside no... Try a flash PR10 site Somebody can search for a text inside it in Google ??I try and ..... zeroI try use sdk tool to read inside, read wellBut until now , nothing ,zero a big zero for google flash crawlerphpservers wrote:Google has been caching flash files for over a year and has been spidering them for can get programs that take apart flash files so you can see what google sees. i'm so wrong sorry guys..Why G don't index my swfs ? size ?Why G don't index internal links in swf ?PR to low ?hi estroncio, can you post a link to your swf?we can have a look......darksat wrote:I'm still skeptical. I think solid html content rules.ok!! you can get programs that take apart flash files so you can see what google sees.but where i see this programHi SEPT. 1, ISSUE #531Macromedia has a Flash Search Engine SDK that will give us just what we need. The SDK (Software Development Kit) includes an application named 'swf2html'. Swf2html extracts text and links from a Macromedia Flash .SWF file, and returns the data to stdout or as an HTML document. Swf2html is provided as a compiled application and as a static library for linked library implementation. For complete functionality, see the file Readme.htm included in the SDK. ... ch_engine/My swf has 250K i think G don't crawl files too large (101K Max)I only put my URL in related sites (automotive) sorry.