Google BOMB and SEO?


New Member
hi friends

i want to know what is goole bombing ....... and how usefull it is as per SEO.
Is it considered as a black hat SEO.

thanks Google Bomb
Quote: The terms Google bomb and Googlewashing refer to practices intended to influence the ranking of particular pages in results returned by the Google search engine, often with humorous or political intentions. - wikipedia Quote: "Google bombs" are collective efforts to link to a site by a key phrase and artificially elevate a Web site in the Google search results for that search phrase. Google bombs rely heavily on the influence of PageRank. Some Google bombs are politically motivated, while others are done as pranks, and some may have been motivated by ego or self promotion. - Google Bombing
Quote: Google bombing is closely related to spamdexing, the practice of deliberately modifying HTML pages to increase the chance of their website being placed close to the beginning of search engine results, or to influence the category to which the page is assigned in a misleading or dishonest manner. For search engine optimization, this technique is not advisable. I mean, why waste your time on this? You can get penalized! Just do proper link building SEO is all about Google and Google is all about SEO A Googlebomb is when a group of people link to a specific chosen page using a specific chosen link-text, in order to push this page up in the Google ranking. Google bombing is actually black hat techniques which can be costly for any website. Google can banned you also if you do Google bombing Depends on how aggressive you are w/ it. If you want to be safe have it target a site which will then target your site.