Google Base question?


New Member
We're not looking for SEO optimization, only google base/shopping optimization.<br />
But we are looking for at least one of our products to show consistently for one month in the top three Google shopping results and a minimum of 4 products displayed on the first page consistently for one month. <br />
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If anyone know how to do this then please respond.<br />
Google Base has two options. Choose from existing item types which contain Course schedules, Events and Activities, Personals, Products, Jobs, wanted ads etc; or, you can create your own item type.

Contents/items you submit must contain attributes and labels that help users to locate the product they are looking for.

Attributes are nothing but phrases that describe the characteristics of a product.

Labels are keywords such as Jobs, Products, and so on. These keywords categorize your items.

Currently, Google has some predefined product specifications/attributes like Author, Size, Format, Color, Height, Weight etc.

Google Base feed has an option wherein you can use your own unlimited custom attributes. Custom attributes will allow you to set or specify additional product information.

How to Optimize Google

Maximum utilization of custom attributes will optimize Google Data Feeds, which would eventually reflect on Google main search engine, froogle (Google product search) etc.

Optimum usage of custom attributes provides ample information to Google base about your data. More product information you give, higher are the chances of your page appearing on the search engine result page.

Utilizing the custom attributes will give you more traffic and success.

One important thing to note! When a user starts searching by putting a product-oriented query in the search box such as Canon Power shot A530, the possibility of a sale is higher.

Say for example, if you want to submit information on digital camera?

Some general attribute Google base might have is Color, Weight, Size, etc

The following are some of the custom attribute relating to the digital camera

Display Size
Battery Type
Interface Type
Memory Type
Max shutter speed
Min shutter speed
Image Sensor Type
Min Aperture
Max Aperture
Camera Type
Lens Type
Image Format
Min Focal Length
Max Focal Length
Digital Zoom

The more product information you give, the more quality traffic you will get...

Further info