Google and Three Way links


New Member
Hello, I was wondering if anyone uses Three Way Links as opposed to Reciprcoal links, and what your results have been like. Im currently using to create Three Way Links, I have approx 90 now and my page rank went up from 4 to 5 in the last Google Update. The benefit was that the link is created from a site of similar content. They also have a seperate reciprocal exchange, though they need to build it up a bit. Apparently Three Way Links are much harder for Search Engines to realize whether or not it was a deliberate link exchange. Plus it takes alot of server time and power for them to check.Does anyone else use Three Way Links at all?Apparently there are services on the way that will offer 4 to 5 way links, of similar content, that will make it near impossible or at least very very hard for search engines to realiaze it is a deliberate link exchange.