Google and Dropped Domain Registration


New Member

I recently registered a domain and found the following as its history

Registrar History: 3 registrars with 2 drops.
NS History: 6 changes on 6 unique name servers over 4 years.
IP History: 13 changes on 11 unique name servers over 4 years.
Whois History: 10 records have been archived since 2007-10-22

I cant find mentions of the site by performing any of the following

1. link:<domain> operator
2. site:<domain> operator
3. No results in yahoo site explorer
4. No web archive record could be found

Do you think this would affect me if I start a new blog fresh on the site? (Considering the fact that it has been dropped 2 times already)

I heard somewhere that Google will reset the links to the site once it gets dropped. Is it true?

I am planning to start a site on a related niche.

Will I face penalties if the previous site has spammed or had some penalties? I don't think Google gives you penalty to buy old domain name. That doesn't matter what's the past of your domain, just optimized your domain now onwards.