Google and AOL discussing major deal


New Member
I believe it was last week that there were indications that AOL (owned by Time Warner) might move away from using the Google search engine, and switch over and start using MSN. AOL had been in talks with Microsoft and if they were to push forward that would have been a major blow to Google. Supposedly AOL accounts for about 10% of Google's revenues which is a substantial amount.If these new talks between AOL and Google are successful this would be a major blow for MSN, as in my opinion this was a chance for them to pick up some momentum to catch up to the Google giant.Personally I wouldn't mind MSN and/or Yahoo increasing their search engine market share. While I love Google (at times), they can really hurt websites which depend mostly on their traffic.You can find more information here: ... /index.htmBoth Google and MSN already make ludicrous amounts of money, so I don't really feel bad for either of them not getting the deal with AOL.With regard to AOL search accuracy, regardless of which engine they use to power their results, I still won't be searching through