Google Adsense


New Member
Google Adsense is a very simple mod that is a cinch to install.
Install Instructions:

1. Install Google Adsense Product
2. Setup usergroups and the other options to your likings
3. Insert your adsense code into the code forms.


* The Google Adsense content can be place anywhere and has preset options for Above Navbar, Below Navbar, Above Footer.
* The Google Adsense content for Postbits can be placed under every post or a certain number. There is also a second that is placed in the top right corner with same options.
* The Google Adsense content has options to show a border or not around the content.

Known Bugs:

* None

Version History:

1.0.0 (Initial Release)

* Added Google Adsense for Search
* Added (2) Google Adsense for Content
* Added (2) Google Adsense for Content (Postbit)