google adsense increase page rank?


New Member
Is it true that the google adsense on my site will increase its page rank and the site will have better place on the result page?According to Google, nope!According to my site, nope!I've been using Adsense for about one year and it has nothelped in that regard.BompaI agree , it never works.. i have adsense on my site for a long time and my PR has been the name .. i wish it increased the PR but it doesnt.Adsense if for generating additional income only and not for generating additional page rank.Nah, that's BS. AdSense will not help your PageRank, and I'd if somebody told you that, I'd ignore their "advice" in the future I could never bring my self to placing adsense on my site because i dont want people to go off my site once i got them there. defeats the purpose of trying to get more people to visit. visits = sales, and visits and no sales means wasted bandwidth... Darrell--As long as the ads aren't aesthetically offensive, there's nothing wrong with putting ads on your site.