Good Webmail Client?


Greetings, all.<br /><br />I've had a copy of SquirrelMail inside my website for years now. I don't use the provided by TCH because I use some custom plugins and the TCH version doesn't blend into my site very well. This setup has worked quite well for awhile but I'm looking for a better solution than SquirrelMail. It may be stable but it hasn't changed much in years, still uses pre-CSS formatting, and doesn't show any sign it's going to change anytime soon. I've looked around but can't find another webmail client that I can simply drop into my TCH account. I've tried out RoundCube, which is a slick solution, but it's kinda slow and, as a beta, is still lacking much functionality.<br /><br />Does anyone else know of a better alternative to SquirrelMail?<!--content-->
Yes, a good POP3 or IMAP client. Thunderbird comes to mind.<!--content-->
I'm not able to setup a fat client at work. I'm looking for a server side webmail client that I can use at my home, my work, my Wii, my in-laws, etc.<!--content-->
Portable Thunderbird on a USB flash drive. I take mine everywhere.<!--content-->
Google Apps for your domain is the way to go.<!--content-->
Well, like I said, I'm looking more for things like NOCC (iconv isn't compiled into PHP), Horde Groupware Webmail (can't run scripts) and the like.<!--content-->