Global.asax Events not firing in IIS 6


New Member
I'm working in an ASP.NEt 2.0 C# website in VS2008 on a Win7 box. Everything runs fine in this environment. I've also set up an IIS 7 site that points to my code to allow remote access to the site. This too works fine. however when i build and deploy (using a deployment project) and push the Win2003/IIS 6 box, all events in the Global class stop firing. I've recently updated the browser definition files at the machine level and ran \[code\]aspnet_regbrowsers -i\[/code\] on both boxes (using 4.0 browser files). Before my code deployment (which have a couple browser files in \[code\]App_Browsers\[/code\] as well), the site is fine. As soon as I deploy, the events stop firing which in turn causes some application variables and Context.Items to be null.i know they're not being fired b/c put a throw in the Page_PreInit. It was thrown locally but not on the dev box.based on some other threads i've read - The site is precompiled but updatable. - I've tried it w/ and w/o the PrecompiledApp.config.
- I've tried adding the Global.asax to the deploy root. - The App_global.asax.compiled exists in the bin.
- IIS App is 2.0 - Originally events resided in a code behind. So i tried moving them to the .asax \[code\]<script runat="server">\[/code\]. same result - Only events in the event viewer are the null errors generated b/c they are not firingAny help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!