Give Admin, full admin cp rights


New Member
I made my friend an admin but he only gets the options to edit....

vBulletin options
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he cant edit anything do i edit his options to give him full rights??
k_hunter said:
Only super admins can do that. User group manager, admin permissions.

Go to your vBulletin AdminCP => Usergroups => Administrator Permissions

From there just edit his permissions.
You both are saying the same things.
Super Admin = UserID1 or what ever you put in the "/includes/config.php" file.
And only those admins (super admins) , can edit the Administrator Permissions which is located at AdminCP=. Usergroups=> Administrator Permissions

I guess a lock is best suited for this thread : )
depends on the version of vbulletin for the statement above. and not everyone uses ID1 as I dont to dam typical.