Gifts Product


New Member
Gifts Product ( Members can send or receive gifts )
This Gift product includes only 7 gifts, you have to create your own gifts, or use .png or .gif icons you may already have.

- Members can send and receive gifts, also add notes and a private message to their gifts
- PM notification when a gift is received (displays the gift received)
- Admin CP settings
- Gifts categories
- Displays date and time when a gift is received
- Gifts can be set to private (only sender, staff and recipent will know from who the gift is from)

We do not offer a refund for this and is not supported!
There are no bugs on the product but before you buy it, please navigate thru the site and make sure you really like it.

Test the gift product and perform all tests necessary ;)

What you are buying is just the "Gifts Product"
The facebook style pro has been released at
info / demo / order page (;)):

I just stumbled across this today and was wondering if anyone happens to have it? Thanks in advance!


New Member
nobody posted gift product, there are facebook profile, facebook templates but still nobody posted gift product, im waiting too...


New Member
If anyones is willing to go half with me let me know.

I will pay $15.

I have also done this in the past for for the bug tracker ($60 at the time) & the coolio skin style.

I am not looking to steal your $15. Please feel free to go through one of the mods if you feel I can't be trusted.

I am only looking to help the community.

Please post here if your interested in donating for the purchase (Again I will donate $15).