gif or jpeg???


Hey all, was just wondering what format should I save my images after I slice them??? Thanks.<!--content-->GIF is good for pictures that have big areas simple colors, for example a banner with bunches of words ontop of a backcolor, and cartoons... anywhere from 1 color to 256 colors...<br />
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JPG is good for photographs.. Anything that looks realistic, has lots of shades. I say photos because they have every shade you can think of.. Frequently going up to 16.7 million different shades of colors...<br />
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Save backup copies of your beloved images; you may not like how the copies are compressed.<br />
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Since you are slicing it up, you might be able to get two birds with one stone. Parts that have very few colors can be saved as GIF, and parts that you need to preserve fancy details can be saved as JPG.<!--content-->hmmmn, Id have to say that choosing one file format for ... lets say a not too complicated template is a good call. All you need to do is save half in gif and the other in jpg to see a nasty matchup.<!--content-->Yep, for a template its best to stick to one format, GIF is usually best. But for an image you can mix it up between gif, jpg and png for good effect and to speed up the loading of the graphic.<br />
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Without seeing the graphic its hard to say what format you should use, but my guess is GIF. You may need to experiment with different compression methods though, such as the general websafe, which is not too flexible but will lower file size if you can use it, or Optimized Median cut or Optimized Octree for PSP7 (larger file sizes but much better looking images than websafe). Photoshop also has many options for saving a GIF file when you save as "Save for Web". <br />
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PNG is also an option.<!--content-->