Gif image not displayed on html page


New Member
I have a html page and whilst it's waiting for data from the server it should display an animated \[code\]gif\[/code\] image to show that it is waiting.This is the code:\[code\] $("#display").append('<img src=" alt="red" width="30" height="30" " />');\[/code\]This is the html:\[code\] <div style="margin:0 auto;" id="display"></div>\[/code\]The animated gif was taken from the gif generator at : and put into the relevant directory.But instead all that is displayed is a 'broken picture icon' in Google chrome and nothing is displayed at all in Firefox. It seems like it cannot access the \[code\].gif file\[/code\] as I get a \[code\]404 error\[/code\] when I try and access the file from the server. Eventhough I can see it in the directory in my workspace.I cannot see what the problem might me.Thanks