GIF animation stops working after a click is made?


Hello, I know this can be done. I have some GIF images on my site that spin, turn ect... What I need to know is how to keep them spinning AFTER someone clicks on something on the page. They stop working and only begin again if the page has been refreshed. Any help? I have managed to do this before but forgot the coding......<!--content-->Do all of your click events with onClick like this:<br />
<br />
onClick="yourfunction();return false;"<!--content-->I entered the script into the script like this: ( I took out the "<" at the beginning for posting purposes )<br />
<br />
<br />
A HREF="javascript:playSound(0);" onClick="yourfunction();return<br />
false;"><img src="/Graphics/juke37.jpg" border=0 ></TD></a><br />
<br />
And it still doesnt work right. Am I entering the code in the wrong place?<!--content-->