I've read a few different examples of this, and it seems to be a clear newbie question for those that don't fully understand the asp.net page life cycle, sorry still learning. None of my attempts to fix have panned out. aspx:\[code\]...<%for( int j = 0; j < 11; j++){ ChildWeightPounds.Items.Add( new ListItem(j.ToString(),j.ToString()));}%><aspropDownList ID="ChildWeightPounds" runat="server" OnSelectedIndexChanged="DropDownListSelected"> <asp:ListItem Value="">-Select-</asp:ListItem></aspropDownList>...<asp:Button ID="InsertButton" runat="server" Text="Submit" OnClick="InsertButton_Click" />\[/code\]aspx.cs:\[code\]protected void InsertButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){ foreach (Control c in NewPatientForm.Controls) { .... if (c is TextBox) { TextBox tb = (TextBox)c; //Expected response: Response.Write( "field: " + tb.ID + " = " + tb.Text + "<br />"); } if (c is DropDownList) { DropDownList ddl = (DropDownList)c; //Unexpected response: //this is not giving me my selected value, but only the top item ("--select--") Response.Write("field: " + ddl.ID + ", selectedItem: " + ddl.SelectedItem.Value + "<br />"); } } }\[/code\]It's pretty clear this is a IsPostBack, DataBind(), problem with my lack of understanding of the page life cycle. But what doesn't make sense, is i'm iterating through all controls, and textboxes, checkboxes, checkboxlists all work fine, and give me the value in the field, for some reason the dropdownlist doesn't give me the value.I've tried using the OnSelectedIndexChanged event, I've tried using the DataBind() function, but playing with these, still hasn't gotten me the value.