Getting values of HTML checkboxes in php


New Member
I am creating an HTML form and I have a textbox in that. My requirement is that a user can check multiple check boxes, and then I have to get all checked values and then send the values to the database (I want to use PHP).Here is my code for within the textbox\[code\] <input type="checkbox" name="Intensive[]" id="Respiratory Therapy" value=" oxygen">supplemental oxygen<br> <input type="checkbox" name="Intensive[]" id ="Respiratory Therapy" value=" oxygen">supplemental oxygen<br> <input type="checkbox" name="Intensive[]" id="Respiratory Therapy" value=" ventilation">Mechanical ventilation<br> <input type="checkbox" name="Intensive[]" id="Respiratory Therapy" value=" ventilation with muscle relaxation">Mechanical ventilation with muscle relaxation<br> <input type="checkbox" name="Intensive[]" id="Respiratory Therapy" value=" ventilation">High-frequency ventilation\[/code\]Could anybody tell me how to go about it.Thanks ..:)