Getting unwanted escaped xml tags in output file


New Member
XSLT transform using Visual Studio 2010 and in C#.I'm in need of help. I am getting different output depending on how I do the transform.Running the transform in the VS debugger I get the following output. Notice the non-escaped tags.\[code\]<Service_Log><row> <EntryNumber>00</EntryNumber> <ErrorID>B004</ErrorID> <ErrorDate>2/06/2007 18:06:07</ErrorDate> <ErrorInfo>00000000</ErrorInfo> </row><row>...</Service_Log>\[/code\]When I run the transform in C# using the following code snippet I get output with the xml tags escaped - and I don't want them escaped. What am I missing?\[code\]XslCompiledTransform trans = new XslCompiledTransform();XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings();string fname = FixPath(WorkingFolder) + "Phase1.xml";XmlWriter writer = XmlWriter.Create(fname, settings);trans.Transform(xmlFile, writer);<readsym_Service_Log><row> <EntryNumber>00</EntryNumber> <ErrorID>B004</ErrorID> <ErrorDate>2/06/2007 18:06:07</ErrorDate> <ErrorInfo>00000000</ErrorInfo> </row><row>...\[/code\]