Getting unique XPath node values in nested nodes


New Member
I'm a bit of a newbie to XPath, so I need some help figuring this out. I have an XML file like so:\[code\]<items> <item> <brandName>Brand 1</brandName> <productTypes> <productType>Type 1</productType> <productType>Type 3</productType> </productTypes> </item> <item> <brandName>Brand 1</brandName> <productTypes> <productType>Type 2</productType> <productType>Type 3</productType> </productTypes> </item> <item> <brandName>Brand 2</brandName> <productTypes> <productType>Type 4</productType> <productType>Type 5</productType> </productTypes> </item></items>\[/code\]I'm trying to figure out a way of getting all of the unique productType's for a specific brand. For example, all of the unique productType's for "Brand 1" would output "Type 1", "Type 2", "Type 3"I've been googling without much luck. Any help would be appreciated!