New Member
I have a full screen web application that should never scroll, so I set:\[code\]$("body").css("overflow", "hidden");\[/code\]However, when I add a resize listener:\[code\]$(window).resize(function(){ console.log("Inner height: " + $(window).innerHeight()); console.log("Height: " + $(window).height()); console.log("Document: " + $(document).height()); console.log("Body: " + $("body").height());});\[/code\]The height is reported correctly when I make the window taller but it's incorrect when I make it smaller. In fact, the window height (through any of those variables) only increases (correctly if I make it bigger, and a little bit if I make it smaller). The content, in case it's relevant, is an html \[code\]<video>\[/code\] element that takes the whole window space on ready.I have read that height() won't work in overflow: hidden, but I couldn't get a reason why not. Also, how on earth do I get the correct height? Thanks!