I have the following scenario - I am working on a site which contains a dynamic table -> content is coming from a SP.Each row has a checkbox on the left (checked by default).Something like\[code\]<% do until rs.EOF %><tr> <td> <input type="checkbox" name="mark" value="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15619785/<%=rs("ID")%>" checked="checked" /> </td></tr><% rs.movenext %>\[/code\]And so on, you get the idea.On this site, there is a link "refresh table", which should delete all unchecked rows.The value in my checkbox gives me the ID which I need for my SP doing the delete-stuff.I dont have problems with the SP itself, I just dont know how to filter through all the checkboxes and only get the unchecked ones?Im calling my SP like this\[code\]for i = 1 to Request.Form("mark").Count rqid = Request.Form("mark")(i) .... adocmd.CommandText = "sp_DeleteRowFromID" adocmd.parameters.append adocmd.createparameter("@ID", adInteger, adParamInput, 4, rqid) 'id from checkbox-value!next.....\[/code\]I hope you guys get the idea, im kinda stuck here.Thanks.