getting soap type names with namespaces


New Member
\[code\]<?php$silverpop = new SoapClient('SoapApi.xml');print_r($silverpop->__getTypes());\[/code\]That returns the SOAP type names as defined by the WSDL but it's not returning them with the namespace names prepended like I'd want. A lot of WSDLs don't seem to use namespaces but this one does: such some stuff is showing up multiple times with the same name. eg. ColumnElementType, which appears in two places:\[code\]<xsd:import namespace="SilverpopApi:EngageService.ListMgmt.UserActions" schemaLocation=""/><xsd:import namespace="SilverpopApi:EngageService.Reporting" schemaLocation=""/>\[/code\]Problem with this is wsdl2php doesn't see the namespaces (because __getTypes doesn't return them) and so it winds up creating multiple classes with the same name causing a fatal error.I was thinking I could modify wsdl2php to support namespaces but I'm not sure how.Any ideas?