Is there a graceful way to get references to windows?
In a home window, I open() another called "Commentary". Many pages
later I may need to do things to this second window. Is there a more elegant way to get a reference to it other than reopening it?
var win2 = open(someURL, "Commentary", ...) // same parameters
In the commentary window I'd like a close button that also resizes and moves the main window. I do NOT want to reopen the main window as there are various side effects. How do I get the reference to the main window? It is a JSP and was not opened in Javascript or with a specific name
-- mil gracias
In a home window, I open() another called "Commentary". Many pages
later I may need to do things to this second window. Is there a more elegant way to get a reference to it other than reopening it?
var win2 = open(someURL, "Commentary", ...) // same parameters
In the commentary window I'd like a close button that also resizes and moves the main window. I do NOT want to reopen the main window as there are various side effects. How do I get the reference to the main window? It is a JSP and was not opened in Javascript or with a specific name
-- mil gracias