Getting OnClick to work in my form


New Member
Please advise how to get the onClick to work on my form when using layer in Netscape 4? As an example here I have the "return false" working just as a test BUT when I put in the <ilayer> part it Ignores the onClick part entirely! How do you get the OnClick part to work in layer? Normally I would put a Javascript validation in the onClick but I cant put Javascript in their because it wont work so I just tried a simple "return false" and it wont work. If I take away the <ilayer> part the onClick will work so it is coming down to how do I get the OnClick to work inside an <ilayer>???

<CFFORM name="form" action="form.cfm">

<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="announce" ID="announce" VALUE="Help">
//I ALSO TRIED TO PUT onClick="return false" in the above input type area and still wont work

<input type="submit" name="form" value="Submit" onclick="return false">
