Getting music to play on my website..


Okay i wasnt sure if i was supposed to put this in HTML or not but anyways.<br />
My problem is, Im using geocities for my ghetto website, And i cant get the music i want to play. They only have the .mid file codes and i know people who have put mp3's on their sites. If you know how pleaase help me!<!--content-->You can upload the mp3 on another server and call for it remotly. Meaning upload the mp3 onto some other host and then in your <bgsound src="http://otherserverurl/yoursound.mp3"><br />
thats one way of doing it, so just find another place to host the sound. Also I reccomend not using sounds on your site because depending on the browser it might prompt a user to Download <!--more--> the song (which is annoying) and also I surf the net with winamp running and its quite annoying when sites have stupid midi's and little mp3s going. Also an mp3 will take a considerable amount of time for dial up users to load.<!--content-->While midis also remind of the type of music you get in supermarkets :p and I normally don't like background sound, MP3 is better left for flash with a loading sequence and a control panel so you can stop and start it. MP3 can take ages to load a full song, and you don't want just a 2 second loop on a site so I guess that leaves midi.<br />
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You can use the embed tag to put it a midi file, (as well as mp3).<br />
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If bandwidth is measured, mp3s could become a problem.<!--content-->It is a problem, he uses geo cities, the give practically no bandwidth, background music will kill his site at I guestimate 30 hits.<!--content-->Geocites never used to count bandwidth years ago, I remeber it right back when it just started nearly lol.<!--content-->