getting javascript form content with python


New Member
I am a novice python programmer and I am having troubles finding a tool to help me get a form from a javascript. I have written a small script in python and also have a simple interface done in javascript. The user needs to select a few items in the browser and the javascript then returns a sendForm(). I would like to then to recover the form with my python script. I know I could generate an xml file with javascript and tell my python script to wait until its creation and then catch it (with a os.path.exist(..)) but i would like to avoid this. I have seen that libraries such as cgi, mechanize, pyjs,(selenium?) exist to interface python and html,javascript but I can't find which one to use or if there would be another tool that would handle recovering the form easily.More info: the python script generates an xml which is read by javascript. The user selects items in the javascript (with checkboxes) which are then tagged in the xml by javascript. The javascript then outputs the modified xml in a hidden field and it is this modified xml that I wish to retrieve with my python script after it is created.Thank you all a lot for your help