Getting info from 2 tables


New Member
Having trouble with some select statements.I have 2 tables. sms_log and sms_messages.sms_log :\[code\]idmessage_iduser_id\[/code\]sms_messages:\[code\]message_idadmin_idmessagedate_sentdate_delivered\[/code\]I want to get the sms_message data where sms_log.user_id = $idHow do i do it, im a bit stuck. Also, how will i access it through php, exactly the same as a standard query, or with the table name in front of the cell :\[code\] `echo $myrow['sms_messages.message'];\[/code\]OR\[code\]echo $myrow['message'];\[/code\]thankyou !