Getting google to index my pages sub folders


New Member
Hi, I got a page //link removedMy problem is that google is unable to link to all my pages.More than 2 months has passed for some of the parts.I have sub\mited a sitemap weeks ago, making robots.txt suggesting it, the site map was made using gsite crawler./till google dont add any of the sub categories/folders from //link removed or from///link removed Suggestions? I would really like some help with this. Since I can't figure out a solution patience is a virtue. Spam however is not tolerated here. Don't repost the links I removed.was it nessesarry to add extra slashes on some places?or maby I spelled like a crazy *peach* yesterday.. anywayI have sub\mited..submited is the word../till google?did I even use the word till with a slash?anyway.. "till" should not be there.. heheDont worry I wont repost the links here after they got removed. Since I do respect super moderators =)Well........resubmit your updated XML sitemap to google again and you can also submit your pages to social bookmarking sites having large amount of daily traffic......and have a little patience.just be patient... it is impossible that google spider will not go through it...Do SEO and be patient.My suggestion is you may put a link to the one already been crawled by SE and your site will be indexed faster than you thought!I dont know about this patientce advice, if two months have passed and google still has not index all your site then there must be a bigger issue @ play.When I add a new page to site eg ID=10 then google sees it the next day and adds it within the week.maybe your links to your own internal pages are in nestled tables and google cant see them or something else if its not plain HTML.When I first made my site, i was using ASP to write out the links for the dynamic content and google didnt index all my pages and I was like wtf so I checked it with poodle and it showed that the first 3 links showed and the rest were all messed up.Turns out i wasnt closing some of my tags properly and that I had to many nestled tables (wish I knew about css when I started)I really think that when people post up their problem they should put up some back information and techincal knowlege so we can identify where the problem wrote:Check your web logs to see if you are getting the Google Crawlers visiting your site.Well I feel its a good idea to get Backlinks from "Good" site and Google spiders will follow.Cheers