getting dimensions to a remote image


I understand php has a function to do this-does asp? I want to give users the option of submitting a url to a remote image but I want to try to control the size/dimensions of the image that they submit.

Any help would be much appreciated!Been thinking on about this, this might slow your page display down.
If you are not going to store the images, every time the page is displayed, the images will have to be resized each time from the external server.Problem with storing them locally is there could theoretically be in excess of 1000 images. Right now there are approximately 3000 users, albeit some sporadic. In the page that is storing them I don't think a slow load would be a problem.what type of images are they, and what size in px dimensions?They would most likely be individual snapshots approximately 80px by 40pxIndividually these images will be tiny, can you not store them?About how big would they be?up to you... but between 2 and 15 kb... if you wish.well in you can load the image and find out how large it is, width height and anything else.