Getting asp error '800706be' while creating the object in include files


New Member
I have got ASP application, and let me clear all code is working fine in my old server.We recently moved our application to windows 2008 server R2 SP1, now after the deployment, in our default.asp page we we including four different files, and the issue is with every file, so I am taking one file as example.Main File (default.asp) has got below object creation code on the top.\[code\]<%Dim objTdsComponentLink, objTdsPageLinkSet objTdsComponentLink = Server.CreateObject("cd_link.ComponentLink")Set objTdsPageLink= Server.CreateObject("cd_link.PageLink")%>\[/code\]Here everything works fine and we can use the object without any error.As told above we are including four different files and in every file we are creating new object for our PageLink service as below:\[code\]Set PageLink = Server.createObject("cd_link.PageLink")<% strURL = PageLink.GetLink("tcm:0-79-1", "tcm:79-64940-64", "", "", "more", True).URL%>\[/code\]Issue is that if we try to declare new object as Set PageLink = Server.createObject("cd_link.PageLink"), it gives error. however if we use same object which is declared above in default.asp it work perfectly and if we use or try to create new object it give below error.\[code\]error '800706be'/include/home/FuelIndex.asp, line 26\[/code\]Are we missing some configuration/installation here and surprising why it works for main page (default.asp) objects as well as it is working fine our old setup.Would appreciate if you can give some suggestions/solutions for above issue.Thanks.