Getting Android enum descriptions to appear in JavaDoc


New Member
I have defined a custom attribute in xml that must take an \[code\]enum\[/code\] value as a parameter. The JavaDoc that is automatically produced from my application's \[code\]R.attr\[/code\] builds a table with \[code\]enum\[/code\] name and value, but filling in the description column eludes me. How do I define a description that will appear in the JavaDoc?An example attribute with \[code\]enum\[/code\] constants:\[code\]<declare-styleable name="MyCustomView"> <attr name="directions"> <enum name="up" value="" /> <enum name="down" value="" /> <enum name="left" value="" /> <enum name="right" value="" /> </attr></declare-styleable>\[/code\]To show what I mean, the JavaDoc for \[code\]directionPriority\[/code\] in \[code\]android.R.attr\[/code\] has a table for all the possible enums with "constant," "value" and "description" all filled in.I have done a good deal of research and tried trial-and-error guesses at a tag that might allow me to include a description, but to no avail. Does anyone know the proper way to document this?