Getting a FLASH file to autoload then redirect to homepage..


Staff member
Hi<br />
I am new to the forum...Greetings to all. Would anyone know how i could have a flash file movie to play as an intro to my site that after playing brings the viewer to the homepage (or a link could be setup when done playing reading "enter click here etc")? I have a Netsol site and i can see how easy it would be to add the flash file through a new building block where you have the option to have the visitor click a link to start it or it starts automatically when the whole page Download <!--more-->s but it doesnt show how to have it autoplay when some first visits the site after typing in my URL for example and then having it end and then redirect to homepage.....any help would be great and if i could reciprocate with any ideas i would be most interested in helping. Thanks!<!--content-->hi ive done this for my site do you use macromedia flash or swish?<!--content-->Hi<br />
I will use macromedia flash. Thanks for any help!<!--content-->ok well i used swish let me just open it in flash, the problem i had was that you want it to redirect after the movie has finsihed, but once the movie has finished, it cannot run commands so it cant redirect, i know how to do it in swish but not flash so ill take a quick look and let you know<br />
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Rich<!--content-->what you want to do is slect the second to last frame on your movie and reight click select action, go to index at the bottom and find goto, then just edit the properties to go to your url that you want<br />
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hope this helps ya<!--content-->Hey thanks a million! appreciate it! :)<!--content-->anytime m8 anytime<!--content-->P.S. Could you share how you get a flash movie to play when someone types in my URL so its the first thing they see? For example my webpage editor allows me to insert flash either when the hompage loads and then it autoplays or gives the website visitor the option to click and play...Neither i would like, I want a visitor to see the movie play first thing when they visit the site THEN get redirected to the homepage. Thanks!<!--content-->what youll have to do is make you existing homepage something else ie index2.htm and create a new page index.htm with just the flash movie on and use go_to command in flash to redirect it to index2.htm<!--content-->Cool! simple enough! Again thanks a million :) !!!<!--content-->like i said anytime lol<!--content-->renaming the homepage to index2.htm may be a bit of work depends on what program you use to make you sites, but its the only way i no how to do this, and i know that it works<!--content-->In that respect it shouldnt be too much trouble. I just didnt think of doing that way until you mentioned it....takes me a while to catch up sometimes lol<!--content-->lol, im the same with other things, that what this forums for<!--content-->Not a big problem. Contain your flash in an html page (you will want to do that anyway, for metatags). Then use a "meta forward" to your next page. (set time for the length of flash file, and devise the flash file to "stop" at the end of the movie.)<br />
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Or: use my code as an example at:<!--content-->Thanks! much appreciated! :)<!--content-->thats a good idea why didnt i think of using meta forward for my site lol<!--content-->