I am trying to use the namecheap.com API to allow domain searches from my website but I am stuck at the old problem of cross-domain blocking. On the API documentation it says that I need to make a HTTP-GET request to retrieve the XML file. I've done this in jQuery but I get the cross-domain error message. When I changed the dataType to jsonp like below, it gets the XML file but causes an error because the browser isn't expecting an XML file.\[code\]jQuery.ajax({ dataType: 'jsonp', url: 'https://api.sandbox.namecheap.com/xml.response', data: {ApiUser: 'user', ApiKey: 'keygoeshere', UserName: 'user', Command: 'namecheap.domains.check', DomainList: 'test.com, dfuhkgusvhbksbhv.com', ClientIp: ''}, success: parseXml});\[/code\]Can someone please explain how I would do this and be able to fetch the XML file without any errors?Thanks for any help