I am Useing HttpWebRequest for communications. It is possible to get website ip address(dedicated ip) not server ip.when i use Context.Request.ServerVariable("Remote_Addr") it return only server ip.But I need website ip address.For ExampleThere are 3 client's website send httpwebrequest to my site. Each have dedicated ip address.My Website Receive that Request and perform some work and then response.Example Coding Client Send HttpWebRequest:\[code\]Dim uri As New Uri("http://www.somewebsite.com/somepage.ashx?username=client1&password=123456")If (uri.Scheme = uri.UriSchemeHttp) Then Dim wrequest As HttpWebRequest = HttpWebRequest.Create(uri) wrequest.Method = WebRequestMethods.Http.Get Dim wresponse As HttpWebResponse = wrequest.GetResponse() Dim reader As New StreamReader(wresponse.GetResponseStream()) Dim tmp As String = reader.ReadToEnd()wresponse.Close() End If\[/code\]Example Coding For HttpHandler:\[code\]Public Sub ProcessRequest(ByVal context As HttpContext) Implements IHttpHandler.ProcessRequest Dim remoteIP As String = context.Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR") If remoteIP = "client1ip" Then Dim ref As String = Trim(context.Request.QueryString("username")) Dim number As String = Trim(context.Request.QueryString("password")) 'do some workElse context.Response.Write("Access Denied")End If\[/code\]End SubThis is my example coding. Here remoteIP return hosting provider server ip but i need website ip address.it is possible to get website ip address using httpcontext in httphandler.