I have an ASP.NET web app where whenever the user chooses an item from a particular dropdown list a number of controls will get updated accordingly, for example labels will get renamed, textboxes will have their id changed etc. To do this i'm using jquery. After the textboxes are given a new id depending on what the user chooses, i would like to get the values inputted on those textbox passed to a method, i tried doing \[code\]Request.Form[controlid]\[/code\] however it returns \[code\]null\[/code\]. I thought this was happending because i was using asp.net controls, so i decided to create the textboxes dynamically using jquery..however it would still return null.i also tried doing something like:\[code\]TextBox textBox = Page.FindControl(controlid) as TextBoxtextBox.Text;\[/code\]however it would still return me \[code\]null\[/code\]. Any ideas please?