Get the process address of a value


New Member
I'm using \[code\]JNA\[/code\] (Java Native Interface) to access Windows APIs, like \[code\]Kernel32\[/code\]. So, I actually did a \[code\]trainer\[/code\], where I can load a process, and read/write values to an address. But, my question is: how can I get the list of addresses which \[code\]has value X\[/code\]?What I'm needing is somehow like \[code\]CheatEngine\[/code\]: you type the value, and it will search and list \[code\]what addresses have this value\[/code\].I've searched on \[code\]Google\[/code\]/\[code\]Stack Overflow\[/code\], but I just found results for \[code\]C++\[/code\]/\[code\].NET\[/code\].Thank you.