New Member
Ok i have an xml file like this. . .\[code\]<parent> <x url="example/656577/07234/random.swf"/> <x url="example1/609456/67856/random1.swf"/> <x url="example2/376987/09365/random2.swf"/> <x url="example3/956743/04762/random3.swf"/> <x url="example4/678543/95265/random4.swf"/></parent>\[/code\]what happens in the xml file all the x children url's change all the time but always in 3 directorys, what i want to do is to get just the ends of each children's url like. . .\[quote\] random.swf random1.swf random2.swf random3.swf random4.swf\[/quote\]I am not familiar with explode but is that a option any answer welcome.