Get Name of CheckList Items from Content Item in Sitecore


New Member
I have an item in Sitecore that contains a content section which is a Checklist. This checklist contains the names of multiple Active Directory groups that I have entered into Sitecore.When the item loads, I am trying to loop through all of the names that are in the Checklist so that I can see if the user is a member of one of these groups, if checked.When testing my code, I cannot obtain the ID's "display" value (not sure if this is the correct termonology), such as "IT_Support_Group". Instead, I can only get the Item Id.\[code\]Example: {80B1AEEA-D36C-416C-B5BF-AF5F428E4D31}\[/code\]I've been playing around with various versions of the following code, but with no luck:\[code\] Dim ADCheckList As Sitecore.Data.Fields.MultilistField = Sitecore.Context.Item.Fields("ADGroupAccess") If ADCheckList IsNot Nothing Then For Each ADListName As String In ADCheckList.Items 'If IsInGroup(ADListName) and IsADListItemChecked(ADListName) Then ' Response.Write("User is in the " & ADListName & " selected group.<br/>" 'End If Next End If\[/code\]