How to get more traffic for a clothing related site? What are the steps to be taken to get more traffic? Quote: Originally Posted by Michael william
How to get more traffic for a clothing related site? What are the steps to be taken to get more traffic? Join to a fashion related forum and network sites. Introduce your site and your product, make friends and connect with them. Link building also helps you to have a lot of traffic. One thing is participation to a question and answer sites, pick your niche and start a topic. I suggest you to join fashion related forum/groups in Orkut, LinkedIn, FaceBook and
follow some fashion experts in Twitter and make them to follow you - that's the easiest way to get good & quality traffic.. I agree with heartofluck and try to post your clothing in ebay and put your website.. I know it will drive a lot of traffic. divide your work into parts:
a) social media - (join networks like linkedin, fb, twitter etc)
b) forums and getting yourself out in the market
c) SEO
hope this helps If you need traffic for your site with any niche You could do these thing:
1. Forum postings
2. Link building
3. Classified ads postings
4. Article postings etc
Write a useful and meaningful content on your site which will interest your visitors to read out. If we want the immaculate traffic then we need to work with the consistency and we to work on press release, article submission, forum posting, social bookmarking, RSS submission etc for the great traffic and index for our site.

follow some fashion experts in Twitter and make them to follow you - that's the easiest way to get good & quality traffic.. I agree with heartofluck and try to post your clothing in ebay and put your website.. I know it will drive a lot of traffic. divide your work into parts:
a) social media - (join networks like linkedin, fb, twitter etc)
b) forums and getting yourself out in the market
c) SEO
hope this helps If you need traffic for your site with any niche You could do these thing:
1. Forum postings
2. Link building
3. Classified ads postings
4. Article postings etc
Write a useful and meaningful content on your site which will interest your visitors to read out. If we want the immaculate traffic then we need to work with the consistency and we to work on press release, article submission, forum posting, social bookmarking, RSS submission etc for the great traffic and index for our site.