I need to know how to get the maximum number of a column using PHP and SQL Server 7. I have a scenario as shown below. I have heard to use the max command in sql and didn't seem to work because I got the following error: "wrong parameter count mssql_result()"
<head><title>get Data Via PHP To SQL</title></head>
$hostname = "voyager"; //machine name where sql is
$user = "admins"; // password and user make per DB
$password = "test123";
$db = "gradient";
$link = mssql_connect($hostname, $user, $password);
if (!link) die("couldnt open file");
mssql_select_db($db) or die("couldn't open db");
print "databse \"$db\" is opened";
$result = mssql_query("select user_id from employee compute max(user_id)"); //select statement here
$mydata = mssql_result($result);
print $mydata;
the query works in the ms query analyzer with the following results
It seems mssql_result() need only 1 item and there is many above is this correct?
if so is there another way?
I have 2 tables
Table 1 called employee
Table 2 called pc_hardware
In the Employee table the Primary Key is user_id which its value is
automatically generated and seeded.
In table 2 the Primary Key is pc_id which its value is automatically
generated and seeded.
The foreign key for table 2 is user_id but not seeded.
user_id properties are 'int' length of 4, precision of 10 and no nulls
allowed, for both tables.
scenerio: I filled the employee table first with a scripting language
called PHP with no problem. minutes later I went to fill the
pc_hardware table. I get the following message
Cannot inset null unto column 'user_id'...... column does not allow
nulls insert fails.
It seems to me 2 things are going on, it doesn't know to finish off
that record without referencing the original table employee and get
the user_id to place into it. And secondly I told the table no nulls
are accepted. (by the way if I accept nulls on table 2 the query works
but user_id is null, and there would be no way of me referencing other
tables correctly).
Is this a correct assumption that I need to get the user_id from
table 1 and place it in table 2 along with other values?
if so is there a way to find out the last user_id in a query, because
then I can simply querry that first and get the value and pass it
along onto my new query.
Sorry if this sounds dum but very new to SQL
Thanks in advance
<head><title>get Data Via PHP To SQL</title></head>
$hostname = "voyager"; //machine name where sql is
$user = "admins"; // password and user make per DB
$password = "test123";
$db = "gradient";
$link = mssql_connect($hostname, $user, $password);
if (!link) die("couldnt open file");
mssql_select_db($db) or die("couldn't open db");
print "databse \"$db\" is opened";
$result = mssql_query("select user_id from employee compute max(user_id)"); //select statement here
$mydata = mssql_result($result);
print $mydata;
the query works in the ms query analyzer with the following results
It seems mssql_result() need only 1 item and there is many above is this correct?
if so is there another way?
I have 2 tables
Table 1 called employee
Table 2 called pc_hardware
In the Employee table the Primary Key is user_id which its value is
automatically generated and seeded.
In table 2 the Primary Key is pc_id which its value is automatically
generated and seeded.
The foreign key for table 2 is user_id but not seeded.
user_id properties are 'int' length of 4, precision of 10 and no nulls
allowed, for both tables.
scenerio: I filled the employee table first with a scripting language
called PHP with no problem. minutes later I went to fill the
pc_hardware table. I get the following message
Cannot inset null unto column 'user_id'...... column does not allow
nulls insert fails.
It seems to me 2 things are going on, it doesn't know to finish off
that record without referencing the original table employee and get
the user_id to place into it. And secondly I told the table no nulls
are accepted. (by the way if I accept nulls on table 2 the query works
but user_id is null, and there would be no way of me referencing other
tables correctly).
Is this a correct assumption that I need to get the user_id from
table 1 and place it in table 2 along with other values?
if so is there a way to find out the last user_id in a query, because
then I can simply querry that first and get the value and pass it
along onto my new query.
Sorry if this sounds dum but very new to SQL
Thanks in advance