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When sending the request from the jQuery Mobile script to the specified PHP file, nothing is returned, nothing is appended to the html file. Here's the URL of the page:localhost/basket/newstext.html?url= newstext.html: \[code\]<head><script src=""></script> </head><body> <div data-role="page" id="newstext"> <div data-role="content"> <div id="textcontent"></div> </div> </div> </body> \[/code\]newstext.js: \[code\]var serviceURL = "http://localhost/basket/services/"; $('#newstext').bind('pageshow', function(event) { var url = getUrlVars()["url"]; $.getJSON(serviceURL + 'getnewstext.php?url='+url, displayNewsText); }); function displayNewsText(data){ var newstext = data.item; $('#textcontent').text(newstext); $('#textcontent').trigger('create'); } function getUrlVars(){ //it displays in the alert perfectly, shortening the message here } \[/code\]getnewstext.php: \[code\]<?php include_once ('simple_html_dom.php'); $url = $_GET['url']; $html = file_get_html(''.$url.''); $article = $html->find('div[class=newsItem]'); $a = str_get_html(implode("\n", (array)$article)); //parse the article echo '{"item":'. json_encode($a) .'}';?>\[/code\]I think my problem is how I'm encoding the $a variable in the PHP script. The $a variable contains html tags of all can I append it in the html file?