Get attributes Name and Value of element in C# through System.Linq


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I have one custom config file.\[code\]<Students> <student> <Detail Name="abc" Class="1st Year"> <add key="Main" value=""/> <add key="Optional" value=""/> </Detail> </student></Students>\[/code\]I read this file through the IConfigurationHandler interface implementation. When I read the childNode attributes of Detail element. It return me below result into Immediate Window of IDE.\[code\]elem.Attributes.ToObjectArray(){object[2]} [0]: {Attribute, Name="key", Value=""} [1]: {Attribute, Name="value", Value=""}\[/code\]When I try to write on Console\[code\] Console.WriteLine("Value '{0}'",elem.Attributes.ToObjectArray());\[/code\]it's return me \[code\]Value : 'System.Configuration.ConfigXmlAttribute'\[/code\]\[code\]elem.Attributes.Item(1)\[/code\] method give me the Name and Value detail but here I need to pass the index value of attribute which I don't know currently.I want to get Name and value of attribute through LINQ query and individual display on Console for each childNode attribute.\[code\]Value : Name="Key" and Value="" Name="value", Value=""\[/code\]