Get attribute data from xml using sencha touch 2

I'm experimenting on how to get data from servers while programming with Phonegap and Sencha touch2.I'm trying to get some weather data from the Google Weather API.I got a panel with a list which should show the day_of_week data for now. But I can't find how I get data from attributes. If you look at the xml at you can see that the day of week is represented as: So I got the following code:\[code\]Ext.define('WeerBe.view.mainTabs.TestPage', {extend : 'Ext.navigation.View',xtype : 'testPage2',config : { title : 'Test Page2', iconCls : 'info', scrollable : true, items : [{ xtype : 'list', itemTpl: '{day_of_week}', store : { autoLoad: true, fields : ['day_of_week'], proxy : { type : 'ajax', url : '', reader : { type : 'xml', root : 'weather', record: 'forecast_conditions' } } } }]}})\[/code\]The lists contains 4 records as it should but it doesn't show data because the day_of_week node itself is empty and the data is in the data attribute.How do I get the attribute data?