get a variable from a datasource without gridview or form


New Member
I have an ASP.NET Page.It creates a datasource like this: \[code\] <asp:ObjectDataSource ID="uxOrderSource" runat="server" SelectMethod="OrdersGetOne" TypeName="Vevo.Domain.DataSources.OrdersDataSource"> <selectparameters> <asp:QueryStringParameter Name="orderID" QueryStringField="OrderID" Type="String" /> </selectparameters> </asp:ObjectDataSource>\[/code\]And then it uses the datasource here like this: \[code\] <asp:FormView ID="uxOrderView" runat="server" DataSourceID="uxOrderSource" CssClass="CheckoutCompleteCustomerFormView">\[/code\]And then it references the email field in that datasource like so: \[code\]<%# Eval("Email") %>\[/code\]My Problem is, way before this form is created on the page, I need to pull that email out and set a script var with its value, so that I can use it while the order line items are being iterated. Because for every order line item (which happens on the page BEFORE the form is created) I need to call a third party API and send in line item information, but that line item info also needs an email, and the email does not exist in the order line item datasource.